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You are here: Home About Villeworth Features Our Values

Our Values

Our human assets are our greatest resource. We recognize the dedication of our employees who daily risk their lives in hostile environments to protect our clients. To this end:

  • We encourage our employees to make suggestions that improve their welfare and service delivery
  • We ensure that adequate compensations are paid to them.
  • We provide a healthy and safe work environment

Our success and survival lies in our commitment to understand and respond effectively to our clients need at all times. To this end:

  • We strive to add value to every service we deliver.
  • We strive to reduce our costs in order to maintain reasonable prices.
  • Our clients’ requests must be serviced promptly and accurately.

Our suppliers and other stakeholders form an important link in our success. To this end:

  • Our suppliers must have an opportunity to make a fair profit.
  • Good practices and sound ethics are vital to our business conduct.
  • We must contribute to the development of the community and environment where we work.
  • A part of our income must assist charitable works
  • We must strive to maximize profits for our shareholders.